Thursday, April 24, 2008

American idol ?!!!! .......

i used 2 think that AI is the best show i've ever watch
they got great talent , great way of making it , everything seems to be good
but.....maybe i gonna change my mind

coz i think this was the most shocking results show ever....
How could this happen ??
i mean...hey...there's Syesha & Carly at the bottom
can you believe ?? its sooo sooooo soooooo wrong
i think most of the viewers thought dat~

moreover , their performances last night was good enough
so they got no reason to be voted off !!!!!
Brooke was horrible...... wrong song choice , couldn't remember lyrics
oh gosh.....why she's still here ??!!!
( i do like her...she's peaceful , kinda good girl....loveable... )
but , its just too kind to let her in.......
Jason...omg.....he should be the 1 to leave
his performances were not good enough.....
i noe he's special....but just cant help......

They keep saying this season is the best....
but i think the results are the worst
how they vote ?? based on ??
i think neither performances nor voices
please america !!! vote for the best !!!! please !!!!

now , here's my top 3 choice for this season
1 - Syesha
2 - David achuleta
3 - David cook / Brooke white

( actually was Carly , Danny & Syesha....too bad two of them went out....)

So , wish Syesha the best
hope she can make it to ( at least ) top 2
coz she is the bomb !!!!!!