Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Crazy !!

Finally got my bloody timetable today
We all got shocked after goin thru it
You will too when you get to know
that the latest class can be up to
8.30 at night.....

Yea...what u saw is totally true
My expression was exactly the same with you
right now...WTH rite...
Maybe its me...but i never heard of
any college that have class until the night
damnit !!

Dont get the point but still
have to attend all those classes
even if its until 8.30 at NIGHT = =
But the overall timetable is okay for me
except for Tuesday's [from mornin till night got class]
are they crazy ?! seriously.....

Anddd the management there sucks !!
Cuz they make us waited for more than 4 hours
( cuz after we get our timetable...only we know
that our class is in the afternoon )
See...they are crazy !!!

The design class was the 1st to come
its just some theory and briefing on what we'll do
in these 14 weeks...[ again folio = = ]
Lines...shapes...colour...+ve n -ve image
sounded familiar to me.....
Regret never learn SENI properly last time XD

We got our 1st homework XD [Drawing!!]
At least its not addmaths or bloody chemistry

2moro's class...hmm
i dunno what should i expect...
Just hope its fun !!!

PS :
New bunch of friend...
Always choose your friend well...
HE is kinda weird...starting to not like him = =