Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chill babe ~

instead of getting my spm results
i actually went for class 2day XD

One part of you feel like you wanna know
But the other part dont really care bout it...
btw few of them absent 2day
to go get their results....

i wish i could do that
But im glad that i didnt
cuz missing a class
causes a lot more complicated problems later

Knew some of their results
They are great mannnn
Make me kinda nervous....

i really hope the results will be better
than what i've expected
Im gonna be a lil' disappointed if its not
But i'll be fine i think.....

Wish there'll be a JOYFUL SURPRISE ~ XD
Please ~

The class 2day was...stressful
but in a weird way...
cuz we actually got nothing to do in class
But the lecturer gave us like 3 assignment
due next week = =
i thought he was a nice man ??????

So now there are tons of work to be completed
The work load is a bit too much to handle for us
Trying my hardest to finish them
and get some good marks....arghhhhh

PS :

Alice !!! i wanna watch u so much
But im too busy = = yerrrrrr


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