Monday, December 7, 2009

Open Arms

2moro is THE DAY
So i guess everyone is working their butts off
for the damn subject
But today moodiness kinda happen on me
I felt some sort of depression in myself
But i dont know why
it just happen in a sudden

I guess i was just too worry for 2moro
This is actually the one and only subject
that make me feel worry
When i was doing revision
i felt that it's too much to handle
the subject itself is kinda boring for me
The knowledge in it is also too complicated

Although i started my revision on Saturday
But its just too much
and my lazy*ness is killing me
So the prgress is a lil slow
Now im worried that i cant finish the revision
I really wanna do the best for my part
I really dont wanna make myself regret after that
So its very important for me to finish my revision

Now there's still 4 chapters left
I guess i will have time for them
phew !!
Thank God...b4 that i really thought
i'll have no time for all the chapters....

Another problem comes out then....
which is I cant remember the things i studied b4
So it worries me a lil....
i dont wanna worry too much
If not i wont have a proper sleep

Okay enough of the complains....

I was thinking
should i "renovate" my blog
since im leaving school now
gonna have a new life
n my current blog is kinda boring

Maybe i should....
But as usual...
i guess i should do it after SPM