Saturday, December 26, 2009

On cloud 9

21/12 ~ 23/12

Was at Genting Highland with my dearest friends
Actually i wasnt in a mood of going
But i didnt want to be bored at home
So i decided to go.....
This is so far the best trip with friends
And it was also the 1st trip with friends
Im glad that i went with them ^ ^

We went there by bus...& came back by bus too
it wasnt that bad as i thought
it's just a bit not so comfortable compare to cars
i mean u have to worry bout the safety....
When we was a serious raining & wind blowing
So we kinda look bad when we
Surprised to know that we were not late at all
The girls were waiting since 11
and we [boys] arrived there at about 1++
The lobby was full with people....

On the damn bus ~

Waiting at the Lobby....

We checked in to the 1st World Hotel
Trust me dont ever go there
if you afford to go to another hotel....
Cuz the facilities there are just @#$%&*
I didnt know it was that bad until i get into our room
Yea cant blame them cuz we only can afford that kinda services
The weather was just too bad
for us to go to the Theme Park....hmmm
So we just kinda hang out at the park and the indoor places
Although didnt get to enjoy Theme Park
But I really enjoy the weather there and the moment at the park
and of course...the very important photo session...^ ^

The Must-Do [Photo with Xmas Decos]

Colourful Lights !!!

Me * Bill

Me * James

Dinner at Sushi King

This is not that nice...

The weather was nothing like here...
it was Super windy ,sometimes it rains a lil
I really miss that kinda weather...
cuz the hotness down here was killing me...
We were crazy...we decided to go out from indoor
to jalan2 out there....
It was like freezing cold....woohoo !!!!
So we didnt expect our photo will be nice...haha

It was cold out there

This is a sample of what all the photos look like...

In the Cable Car

Nice experience...!!! Friends 4eva !!! Love u all !!

Cool this !!!