Thursday, December 17, 2009

Monster...She ate my heart !

3rd day of my holiday
hmm when will i stop counting days
i guess i gonna find something to do
to stop me from counting days....

2day went back to school in da morning
to return back the book we borrowed...
Our school was so DEAD
Not many teachers too...
without them of course it will be quiet
Met some of my friend there too...
Next time going to go back
with all my friends...

Starting to have a more interesting holiday
2moro get to go shop !! YEAH !!
keep me waiting for soooo damn long
hope can get some good stuff !!
& happy shopping for us !! yea~

After this weekend...will be off to Genting !!
= = confusing feel....try to enjoy the trip as much
hmm wish all good thing will happen
Go safe and come back safely too ~
Still wanna get my SPM results...haha

Christmas will be next week
This year gonna have a quite busy Xmas week
Not like the past few years.....
After Christmas...
will be a whole new level of boringness
Cuz never plan anything after Xmas....
Cant be out everyday rite ?
So maybe gonna start working
erm small one of course....[ at home ]
cuz dont feel like stressing myself after SPM...^ ^

Talking about making life interesting
i guess i would have to make my blog interesting too
if not no one is going to come anymore...rite guys ?
Maybe more photos ? i dunno
Or maybe i should let more friends know bout my blog
good idea ? hmmm

2day another boring day
got nothing to do later....
im waiting for 2moro !!
i was tellin patient
10++ more hours ~
Why our life cant be more exciting ?
maybe we must ask ourself huh ?

PS :
Hey big spender !!
Saw a taxi full of JOLIN !!
can i own that ?! lol


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