Tuesday, December 15, 2009

1st day of spm-stress-free moment

Yeah 2day is the 1st day
after the hectic spm session
started one month ago....
Relaxing & joyful
is what i can comment bout my life now
So gonna use my freedom as well as possible
Will be lots of activities, hang-outs coming
Hopefully i will use the last school holiday
the best i can do....
cuz i dont think i will have this kind of holidays
when we start college....hmmm

Santa claus is coming to town !
not sure bout Santa but Xmas is coming real soon
I thought there are still 2more weeks to go
But...its next
Next week Xmas week
gonna be busy for me....
Monday will be off to Genting
coming back on Wednesday ~
Then Christmas Eve will have a bbq dinner
Christmas day...dunno yet
funny huh...
Christmas day got nothing but b4 that got everything

Genting trip..hmmm still thinking
cuz there are only 2 rooms for more than 9 of us
its kinda TOO packed....
sumore someone I dunno are coming too...
so its kinda awkward....
But really wanna go with them once !
We never go there b4 (together)
And actually i never go to the theme park
since i was like...kindergarden kids or smth....
Hope everything can turn well
and what i've been worrying will be okay in the end

Astro Battleground is having their finale show
i think this week ?
hmm i've been watching since last few weeks
cuz of the damn SPM !
There are 4 groups going to compete in the finale !
But ELECOLDXHOT [ not sure bout the spelling ]
really amazed me...
I thought they will do like average
cuz last season they won
So i thought there are no surprise from them already
But im wrong....
They really did it again this year
They are so damn good...
I personally like what they did
for the last show....
especially the SPAIN theme ~
Hope they will win this year !!!
Dont put me down~ lol

2moro going for Movie !!
I wanna watch storm warrior lahhh
everyone has watched it !!
damn SPM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS :
Hope i'll get the thing !!!
Send me as early plz !!!


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