Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Love Lady Gaga !

Last Friday was our school's Unit Bahasa Cina's
Singing competition ( Groupy* )
& guess what ....i took part
i asked wai yeng to be in my group
i mean we formed a group la
( she has to cuz last year she )

But we were like so busy
then we just ignored it until we like...panic
cuz i knew the date only on Thursday
we were like OMG cuz we really got no time

Actually i thought of giving up
since we didn't practice at all
but at last i thought just give it a try
so we chose our song only on Thursday night
& the competition is like...the next day ! lol

we chose one song by FIR
& the song is quite hard
what could be worst ? we were both not feeling well
So it's really scary
We didn't practice much
just did a small part before the competition
we didn't even know the lyrics by heart

Before the competition we were so scared
& i was more scared because i had have some
not so nice moment on stage
( i used to forget the words )
we were like
"i don't know the lyrics"
"i don't know when to start singing"

Finally it's our turn
& we just did our best
the good news ( to me ) is i never forget the words
the bad news is she did ,
& we both couldn't sing with the background music
it's so disappointing ~ = =
& the thing is , my mic was like ...not functioning
so they couldnt hear my voice
but then they all said it's good

Wanna know the results ?
Guess what
We got second !
i was quite happy that time
since it's my first time to win a singing competition
& i was happy cuz we did it with not much practice

p/s :
actually i was not unhappy about our wining which is not because of me
i really don't mind since i know i made a good decision
to have the spoilt mic ~ really
Anyway we did win ! so it's okay

& next week will be the SOLO competition
+ it's exam week~ LOL


v.i.i.i.i.n.e.s! said...


J уαo Low said...

not dat geng if u see the rest of them~