Friday, January 29, 2010

Scary Angels

Okay this is the second movie review

Yesterday went Jusco
watched [ Legion ] finally
Guess what there were
not more than 15 ppl
We were the 1st to go in
Then 3 more person
then its kinda awkward
no one speaks at all...
its like ..............
we dont speak...we actually whispered
weird huh....

Back to the movie
The movie is a bit confusing
i dont get some part of the story
dissapointed me a lil
maybe (again) i had high hopes
The movie did bring out the scary side of god
& i mean...those angels too
hmm the ice-cream man freaks me out
and also the unforgettable....
flesh-eating granny (damn she's scary)
They are cool (in a scary way)

i cant believe
my flavourite part was
when the ice-cream van with a lovely tune
driving towards them (main characters)
at night some more
freakiest part in the movie....
and also the granny crawling on the ceiling
actually i like the part
where two angels fighting
its very modern....n cool

On the other hand
(not only fighting n scary parts)
The movie told us to be good
to have faith and hope in everything
although there's not much we can do
just try our best to do whatever we can
and also be prepare to get back the karma
for what v've done and what we're doing now
So watch out people....

This movie is another one
to warn us and teach us
to love what u've got from god
i will give it 3 stars

1 for the fighting scene
1 for the flesh-eating and roof-crawling granny
another 1 for the ice-cream man and his van

PS :

would love to see them fight some
should i get a job ? i dunno
Happy Thaipusam ! holiday yeah