Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Style Rookie

Did i say im not going to update much
during the school days ?
hmmm guess im wrong.....

the boringness of school is really bothering me
yea guys that's why u used to see me in school
with the moody n tired look [lifeless]
Do we really need to go to school like everyday ?
it's kinda irritating......hmmmmm
Heard that we'll have more holidays coming next week
cuz of the PMR exam which is coming real soon....
Yay ! sounds fun !

It was on last week's paper
They wrote about a little girl [not little...young perhaps]
which recently became the hot topic around the fashion industry
She's a fashion blogger n designer [yea she designs]
can you imagine ? Like being 13 [yea 13 !!!]
she's amazing !!! [call her Tavi]
she kinda blogs about fashion
with lots of photo of her
putting together clothes n styling em'up
Wow !! talented-nye !!

She was even at the front row
of the recent New York Fashion Week
That shows how amazing she is
Guess she's having a very bright future jealous !!! haha
I adore her braveness
to do what she loves....
without caring what other people thinks
That's a hard thing to do......
So yea....if a 13 years old girl can do
what are we waiting for ??
Get up n try our best
to make our dream come true !!! yeah ~

Do check out her blog -[Style Rookie]
i was just going through her blog
n it's kinda interesting n cool
n be amazed by her craziness n talent

ahhh Fashion ~
Wanted a pair of cool sunglasses !!