Monday, February 14, 2011

They heart HK

Another movie review
Yes i think we are addicted to
watching CNY movies...XD
This is my third one
and i think there wont be the fourth
Hopefully next year's CNY movies
will be improved and more funny...

Watched I HK
Before watching
Again...heard alot from people around
I heard that its laughing throughout the movie
until the last minute of the movie
So...I have really high hopes for the movie
Heard that it's better than 72 TENANTS

The first 10 minutes i didnt laugh
Then i thought i've been cheated once again
But then most of the parts after that were really funny
Its really hard to not find someone you like
in this movie...there are hundreds to choose from XD
Of course the queen of comedy Sandra Ng is my favourite
And then there is Mag Lam...(I admire ppl who can
Plus the whole movie was so TVB-ish
As someone who grows with TVB dramas
Its not hard for me to like this movie...

I thought they put effort
to make a not bad story
Cuz sometimes comedy doesnt care about the storyline
I didnt feel like crying so i cant say its touching
But i can feel some warm*ness from the movie
Its a not bad story and
its also a freaking funny movie
Worth watching during CNY

The not so nice part was
there's too many characters
and so little time to tell their own stories
thats one of the side effect of having
that many people in one movie...
But i dont mind as long as Sandra Ng
is still leading :D
And I still see Raymond Lam in the movie
Although he's not one of the characters
Thats so TVB...hard-sell = =

Valentines Day and its a hot day !!
Happy Valentines peeps !!