Friday, February 11, 2011

Story of the retired heroes

Get to watch my second CNY movie
Wish i could watch every CNY movie
But i think i'll be called crazy
Maybe i should wait for the dvds XD

Was planning to watch I ♥ HK
Due to some technical problem
( not punctual XD )
We were late and missed the show
Ended up watching Mr & Mrs Incredible

The combination of Sandra Ng and Louis Koo
Knowing that...I had high hopes for the movie
It cant be bad if there's Sandra Ng in
But i changed my mind after watching it
The movie is not as funny
The storyline is not great...a bit predictable
Its more like a kung-fu movie
and I personally think that guys will like it more
But the kung-fu part actually is not that much
in the movie...
The special effects are interesting though...

If you expect to laugh your ass off
from the start till the end....
I think you'll be a little disappointed...
But its still an okay movie
it still has a touching part in it
Maybe I had too much expectations before watching ><

Hopefully the next one is better :)
I just wanna laugh till my stomach hurts !!!