Saturday, September 18, 2010

你是我的依賴 :)

Here goes my one week holiday
Didnt realize its already half smemester
Time sneak through so quickly
Sometimes im afraid of the fast moving time
Its like i will be "leaving" soon :(
Treasuring every moment in my life
its hard but we'll see....

Assignments are chaotic
The deadlines are crazy
But i guess im okay...
Just hope that no obstacle pop up last minute
finger crossed :X
Know what...every holidays make me think
I'll have a new beginning after that
Yes thats what im thinking now
A Whole new life experience will take place
I absolutely have no idea what will come
At time...i'll get like small shocks
when i get to meet "them"...

Okay the next half will be packed with
some tougher assignments to be done...
Sewing ( Im so dead...hopefully i'll love that )
Photography ( The new assignment...sounded fun...but i know...challenging )
Fashion History ( Okay i got to deal with dolls anyway :) )
Fashion Design ( This class is awesome...constantly surprising me...hope the surprises wont end here )
Communication Studies ( What else...more assignments >< )
Malaysian Studies ( arghh >< )

Sneak peak on my studies
Sounds confusing huh....i dunno what to feel either
Excited and Overwhelmed at the same time ><
Life's never been easy for anyone
So...lets rock !!
As long as i'll get more sweetness
from my beloved mom and dad
crazy friends, kick-ass relatives
And also tutors that love me :D
Thats all i need...
Love yall !!

Mooncake fest is next Wednesday
Still dont know with who i'll celebrate
But its on Wednesday....WTH !!
Anyway...early whishes from me to yall
中秋节快乐 !!