Sunday, November 28, 2010


I totally deleted everything i wrote just now
Cuz i thought it was lame...XD
Gonna start all over again...
isnt this how life suppose to be ??
now you have everything
and the next got

It's been a week now
without having worries about assignments and stuff
Its great but i really kinda feel empty
after i've done my room cleaning...
i felt more...blank and empty...
its scary to know what you gonna do the next day
its predictable and its scary....
Maybe cuz i've experienced so many surprises
during the semester...
Now i just cant stand the predictable situation...
Imagine that you know what you gonna do
for the next day and the day after tomorrow...
Everything is the same...OMG frustrating !!

I wanna go for movies !!
window shopping or perhaps really shop :D
hang out with them guys !!
too bad all of them involve cash ><
Needa keep some cash for the coming trips :(

Yea...talking about trips
Going to JB soon !! woohoo !!
it'll be my first time there...haha
hopefully no rain during the trips
hopefully we'll go there safe and come back safely ><
And hopefully i will enjoy myself there :D
And and and...hope that we can make it to another trip
keep my finger crossed :D
I am a hopeful person XD

Another thing...
I am proud to be a Malaysian because of two things
The food and the Talent :D
Malaysian can really sing their face off...
They kick ass at international stage and make us proud
But seriously looking at who got gold for the BEST NEW ARTIST
was so disappointing....dont spoil the industry you people !!
In my opinion...
singer suppose to sing at least better than ordinary people
If you cant do that....get lost !!!!!!!!!

PS:Another week is here
I dont wanna know what i gonna do 2moro !!
Help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!


SHIRLY said...

movie movie!!!window shopping window shopping!!!!the most important thing is MONEY!!!MONEY!!!XD

J уαo Low said... bei min ar...haha
thx 4 commenting !! !!